A Skilled Work Force is the Key to Income Generation.
Half of India’s working age population is not contributing to any economic activity. The Labour Force
Participation Rate has fallen over the last few years. Moreover, the number of women working has reduced.
We conduct Skill development programs that will increase the number of employable people and lead to
income generation. Women, Youth and farmers remain our main focus area here.

Finance, Marketing & Handicrafts

Vocational Training

Agriculture & Horticulture
Half of India’s population are young but not yet contributing to any economic activity.
The Labour Force Participation Rate has fallen over the last few years.
Additionally, the number of women working has reduced.
Skill development programs will bridge the gap and progressively grow the number of employable persons.
Our focus is to build skills and employability of the three key demographics of Women, Farmers & Youth.
The goal is to urge women back into the workforce. We therefore
need to impart education and skills to enable the transition.
Women inherently possess a flair for handicrafts in rural Gujarat &
Maharashtra. We organize training that matches their talent and
allows them to hone their craft. All craft is linked to local culture, art
and tradition. Handmade products fetch a decent price in
the market.
We help form new SHGs in all the villages we work in. Women come
together to register as SHGs and they are trained to become financially
SHGs become part of a structure of institutions in the villages.
Marginalized women in groups of 10 often form clusters, their numbers
going up to 1000 plus.
A happy outcome is women who step out of traditional roles to
become empowered contributors to the rural economy.
Villages are being deserted for the assured income in return for
physical labor in cities. We aim to halt and reverse out migration by creating livelihood and vocational opportunities in the village itself.
We organize training programs specially designed for youth. The skills
imparted contribute towards employment or small enterprises. Technical
skills are taught so that youngsters are able to take up gainful work
immediately upon completion.
The work generated is tied into other programs and employment
schemes offered by the Government of India.
Our hope is to retain the valuable resource of youth in the village.
Technology and know-how takes a while to reach the farmers in our
villages. We plan for and organize skill development programs which
brings the knowhow to them.
Training topics include best practices and new methods of farming.
As a demonstration of the skills imparted we implement irrigation &
sprinkler systems with farmers.
Equipping the farmers with updated technology, ensures that the
community generates a decent income. Our hope is to avert the
farmer crisis and empower them to rise above daily challenges.